Documents [violence]

Partnering Organizations and SWP
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Response detailing the distinctions between sex work and trafficking and the connection between violence against sex workers and their criminalization.
Partnering Organizations and SWP
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Submitted by a group of NGO's who work on issues related to trafficking in persons highlighting the necessity of human rights perspectives and evidence-based research in reporting on trafficking
Sex Workers Project
PDF - 227K
This report features information from "Revolving Door" and "Behind Closed Doors" regarding violence against sex workers and police response.
Sex Workers Project
PDF - 245K
New York City Council Joint Hearing: Women
Sex Workers Project
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A fact sheet documenting aggressive policing of street-based sex workers in Manhattan and recommending alternatives.
Melissa Ditmore and Catherine Poulcallec-Gordon
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This article, published in Research for Sex Work 6, is based on data from "Revolving Door".
Sex Workers Project
PDF - 1.30MB
An analysis of street-based prostitution in New York City.